Thursday, March 11, 2010

bottomless pits

so, here i am, the day after - so now i know that someone else other than myself has read these words, and nothing awful seems to have happened, and strangely, i am still alive.

i am already wondering what the big deal was. it's just a random blog afterall...

things are usually a really big deal before i do them for the first time. taking a leap into the unknown, not knowing if i am going to land feet first, head first, or it's a bottomless pit and i'll keep on falling forever. things actually don't normally turn out to be bottomless pits. even failures have endings.

so the question now is, where do i leap? take one for the sake of taking one? do what i always do, analyze the crap out of it first (perhaps this blog is doing just that)?

what about not having some concrete target and "thing" to achieve? could i possibly focus on things i enjoy the process of - reading, writing, photography - rather than some end goal that i try to attain? or is this being irresponsible and simply laziness about preparing for my future? could i do this kind of leap?