Thursday, June 12, 2014

very complicated answer

From Dave Chappelle's interview with David Letterman, regarding walking away from 50 million dollars:
"Very complicated answer... cuz I've felt a variety of ways in the last ten years, whenever there's something I'd like to have, and I could have afforded, that I can't now afford, and then I'm upset about it! But then when I see a guy doing a job that's time consuming, and he doesn't have the free time to do the things that I get to do, then I feel good about it."
And Dave Letterman goes, "Who among us doesn't make choices that we have regrets about?" and they both go, "All of us do."

That's the thing. We have to make choices, and frequently, the choices seem just dumb in retrospect. Even though I might have thought long and hard about them, picking the best possible route, or at least so I think, balancing the pros and cons, risks and rewards, and well, sometimes, it just doesn't work out.

The thing is to keep getting back up, and moving forward. Or trying to move forward. (Well, yes, there's the chance that there are more possibly wrong decisions to make). But in reality, there's really not much else to it.

Friday, April 25, 2014

lots of motivation and no more time

"I'm stuck in this position with loads and loads of motivation but potentially not very much time. But I see lots of people out there that have time. What I can try to do is give them a bit of my motivation, to go out there and achieve something – enjoy life."

thanks stephen

Thursday, March 27, 2014

mercy and justice

in a way, that's what it comes down to, when and if a person in a position to do so.

if you are too just, you might as well be a computer algorithm.

if you are too merciful, then why have rules in the first place.

there will never be the best answer, only the one that you can live with.