Wednesday, November 3, 2010

trailwalker 2010

another year, another trailwalker, another 100km of blisters and cramps!

(oh yes, and another birthday today too. yet another year older, but not wiser)

in light of this fact, i decided to look around for stuff relating to oxfam trailwalker's efforts against poverty. so, i came across a statistic that 22,000 kids die every day from poverty and hunger, far removed from the attention of the world. and frankly, in today's world of desensitizing stats, even this no longer seems to be eye-catching news.

but using my trusty excel spreadsheet, i quickly calculated that out of these 22,000 kids, assuming things average out, 60 of these kids are having their birthdays today too, just like me.

i paused, for once. i mean, it's their birthday today!!

but these kids are dying... on their birthdays.


the world poverty problem is not going to be easily solved. there's not even a way to find out who these 60 kids are. but still, the trailwalker, once a year, allows me a little time to think about the good fortune i'm enjoying.

i do hope you will support oxfam's efforts to reduce poverty around the world by sponsoring our team!

a big THANK YOU in advance!