Tuesday, July 6, 2010

fear of failure

things to remind myself:

fear of failure is a lot worse than failure itself.

if fear is the reason keeping me from leaving a job behind to take on new challenges, i'm really not that good.

no one promised me some bright shining future. there is nothing in the world i'm entitled to. for many, the very act of hope is a luxury.

material comforts are overrated. some basic ones are nice. for extra stuff, once in a while is ok. but there is simply no need for a lot of it.

social status is the most inane thing ever to seek.

good intentions are impractical, but failing with good intentions is much better than failing with poor intentions. the supposedly "stable" thing is probably not as stable as i think.

fear/uncertainty/uneasiness are emotions. generally speaking the physical events in the world will occur in one way or another, regardless of how we feel about them.