Monday, May 24, 2010

perfect conditions

sometimes, i think i have the perfect conditions to write. a day of thinking, a late quiet night to myself, so i sit down with my little laptop.

then, things from nowhere start to distract me. there are much more important things than writing, aren't there?

when i try to get back to it, the mind is blank. any vaguely interesting thoughts have all disappeared. i get angry that i got distracted in the first place. my mind goes even blanker. another day passes, another goal missed. before long, the goal seems so far off i might as well give up.

it's easy to meditate in a cave, but infinitely harder to meditate in the middle of a busy life, though all the more important to do so. time to take myself to the next level and to start to write under any conditions. perhaps i need to remember that distractions are a given, peace and quiet the exception rather than the norm.