Sunday, June 27, 2010

path to where?

one of the key strengths of religion is to provide us with a pretty clear path, goal, and result.

- obey the commandments, the scriptures, the yamas and niyamas
- we'll be on our way to being saved, achieving enlightenment
- we'll be in good hands after we die, either in heaven, nirvana, or at least reborn as something nicer

what if there is no result? how does that change things? the "path" leads absolutely nowhere?

the result, i.e. the moment after death, is the one instance in our lives we aren't likely to be conscious of (at least in our present state). meanwhile, we can still tread the path and look at the flowers along the way.

so whichever path we're on - what happens when we find out that the goal is going to be taken away from us at the final moment?

does that still sound like the right path?