Friday, January 19, 2018

Then, finally

There are these spots of time in life where things feel fucking awful, and where things feel fucking awesome. Objectively speaking, you know that nothing really has changed, life is just life, and ups and downs are just as normal as sunrises and sunsets. And, the sun does also rise and set (for foreseeable future), regardless of what we feel.

Those feelings, especially the soul-shattering ones, don’t just go easily. They will linger, eat at you, attacking your core, and for much longer than you envisioned. In reality, it is an act of stripping. Stripping you of the things you take for granted. Stripping you of the things you think are important. Stripping you of things that others think are important.

Then, finally.

You can finally revisit and face your naked, sorry self. 

Then, you realize that the world is an even nastier place than you thought.

Then, you realize there are pockets of people who are much kinder than you thought.

Then, you realize you looked too far ahead.

Then, you realize you didn't look far enough ahead.

Then, you realize that, life is suffering, truly.

Then, you realize that there is give and take for everything, even if may be years before you realize the benefits or the harms.

Then, you realize that you are no longer young and naive. And you have acquired a little bit of wisdom. 

Then, you finally realize you really are no different than any of your glorious and inglorious fellow human beings.