Tuesday, January 19, 2010

why are we still procrastinating?

big things, little things. that overdue memo i'm supposed to write. maybe they've forgotten. that run i'm supposed to crank out. my physical condition is not going to change because of that one run. that person i'm supposed to thank. he probably forgot about me already.

but maybe not. so why?

because it takes too much effort not to?

because that thing we're supposed to do doesn't really mean that much to us?

because we can't make a decision and maybe it will all turn out ok in the end?

because some other priorities came up? and after that, still other new priorities came up?

because we're tired, lazy, exhausted, unmotivated, pre-occupied, and generally just don't feel like it?

at the end of the day though, we all know that no one, including ourselves, really care about the reasons, legitimate or otherwise.

where is that mental strength when we really need it?