Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the premise

well, we need to start somewhere don't we. so, the premise of this is based on "good", also implying good is good, and bad is bad. it is worth reminding ourselves that the physical laws of the universe (as we know it) do not care. the individual neurons in our brains also don't care.

so who does?

do we really?

perhaps. at the very least, we care about feeling good. in a world of uncertainties and philosophical and existential paradoxes, i am pretty damn certain i like feeling good. sometimes, a lot of pain and suffering happen before i feel good, but in the end, i vastly prefer feeling good than bad. that's the easy part, and yes, it's pretty obvious.

now with that established, i am figuring out, via trial and error, that being good, results in, for the most part, feeling good. the hard part is figuring what that engenders.