this particular one is the problem of different levels. on one hand, i know i'm blessed with all sorts of good fortune. while i'm writing, i try to imagine the different responses, and inevitably they become variations of you don't have to worry and you won't understand, because you don't have money problems/don't have kids/don't have health issues/have too much free time. and i get stuck because one, they're somewhat true at this point, and two, contemplation does seem to be a bit of a frivolous luxury. so, i have immense difficulty writing things that might apply across the spectrum, even to my future self when i encounter these various issues.
so, today, i came across the well-known quote: 窮則獨善其身,達則兼善天下. and suddenly the issue crystallized.
no matter what state me, or the future-me will be in, there is still self-reflection to do, self-virtue to cultivate, and greater things to serve. the actual percentage of what is doable, will largely depend on my economic/health/family status. even if i have absolutely no time, no bandwidth, no money, no health, that does not preclude me from doing the right things when i have the choice to. that act in itself is it.
sure. i can have as many reasons as i want to, there's no one stopping me.
whatever level i'm at, or will be at, i can't control. but i could stop making excuses.