Saturday, November 13, 2010

spirituality and wisdom

a slightly different way of phrasing my high school's motto of "goodness and knowledge" - is "spirituality and wisdom".

spirituality, for whatever reason, has always made me cringe a little. to some extent, the same for goodness. maybe it really is an age thing, though what confuses me sometimes is the teenagers who want to save the world are often the same ones who think being a bad ass is cool.

spirituality perhaps is simply realizing there is something greater out there, something we can't quite put a finger on. it might be god, it might be the four forces, it might be energy (real or imagined). it's that intimate yet awesome feeling that we are part of something larger, larger than our communities, larger than mankind.

spiritualism without wisdom is blind belief. wisdom without spiritualism? perhaps i just haven't walked far enough?