i'm still grasping the edges of what it means to be spiritual, feel spiritual, get in touch with our inner spirit, be absorbed into the greater human spirit.
the closest i get to these moments are ones when i feel a combination of awe, smallness, connection to something larger, and in short, a moment when i can't help by exclaim "holy shit!" and a host of other swear words. with all due respect to relevant deities.
i feel it when i see extreme beauty in nature, watch a film that seems to reverberate with my being, witness an inspirational act of incredible courage. i also feel it in the middle of deep meditation.
in these times, there's no other word to describe the sensation, other than, "holy shit!". i could say i'm inspired, i'm moved, but the truth is i feel there is some true reality i have managed catch a glimpse of. something that transcends, that is greater than myself.
and i wonder, if this is the so-called brief touch with the real truth, the inner void, the higher self, the cosmic consciousness, the supreme divinity, or whatever people call it? or is it just some random physiological reaction?