for any given viewpoint, you could probably find a group of similar-minded people on the internet. you could find some kind of supporting data.
we all have more music and movies then we would ever have time to watch.
i still spend an incredible amount of time searching for new knowledge, information, trying to figure out the world. trying to understand what is going on. the available information and knowledge out there, even just counting that i'm interested in, far exceeds what i could ever possibly consume.
so assuming i somehow mastered and understood all of this. then what?
do i hope to digest and synthesize all of this to come up with a new grand theory of everything?
lets say i actually figured it out. how would i share this? would i write a book about this? would i reduce what i had learned into punchy little riddles so people could ponder over them, and thus also figure things out through this thought process? would i only share this with people who sought such answers?