Wednesday, January 13, 2010

realizing your potential

how much is your potential? inspirational books and movies will tell you your potential is limitless. if you try hard enough, nothing is impossible.

most of us, by our 30s and 40s, become acutely aware of the fact that statistically, no matter how hard we try, the chances to be "anything we want" are actually not so large. it's possible, yes, but more likely than not it is not going to happen.

still, we all have some degree of likely potential. nonetheless, achieving this requires effort. a good friend, an astrologer (nevermind we have endless debates about the legitimacy of such), remarked there were far more people that never achieved what their full potential could have been, according to her readings. she doesn't know if our generation is just simply lazier, or this had always been the case. meanwhile, certainly there are people who simply bust through all odds and achieve things that are simply off the charts. this seems a pretty accurate representation of real life in any case.

it is an obvious fact but not putting in effort is easier than putting in effort. assuming effort is evolutionary beneficial, one would wonder why evolution had not removed our predisposition to doing nothing.

regardless, you would never find out how much potential you have, until you actually attempt to realize it, and perhaps fail in the process. how much effort are you willing to put in to find this out?