the hard lessons in life, even though we know they would be terrible mistakes, we still make them, until we bear the actual consequences and learn our lessons.
but the good lessons? we work hard, we'll get rewarded? we'll be so happy when we're successful? it only makes sense, otherwise we'd never even strive to be better and whatever it is we're doing.
it seems only when we get there - when we actually somehow get to a place we set out to go to - when we realize more success is not going to make us feel particularly much better, then we start to ponder what life might mean beyond achievement.
then, we might start to have an inkling as to why non-attachment might work. why giving up everything may paradoxically give us more.
the taste of success gives some of us the hunger for more; for others, it is something of a letdown - and perhaps a chance to think a bit beyond.