isn't it obvious? we each have our unique set of neurons. unless a future machine is able to replicate every atom in our individual brains, of course we are going to be only thinking our own thoughts.
even the virtue of compassion - we're imagining ourselves as others to feel what they might be feeling. we project, assume we understand for practical purposes, but we simply don't know. sometimes, we think we're closer, and suddenly, we find we are as far away as ever.
yet, despite the urge to give up on an unattainable goal, all the scriptures of the world indicate that we should keep trying. we need to see the world from other people's eyes, to cultivate compassion, to empathize.
well, do i really, truly understand what i am thinking and feeling?
(how can i not understand? i am the only person doing my personal thinking and feeling?)
or do i only think i understand? or is there no "understanding" involved, only that i know what i am thinking and feeling? and because only i alone know this, i can thus decide on the best course of action for myself? and who can argue with that?