especially if the truth concerns our actual psyche, the man in the mirror, what kind of person we are on a morality scale, this is not truth we can handle with ease. the natural tendency is to think we are right - a manifestation of self-preservation - if the truth is different from what we thought it is, the immediate thought, at best is to mull it over, at worst is to reject it out right.
there's no way to know whether such judgement by another person, is 100% correct, 100% all of the time.
the obligation is on neither the sayer or the listener to accept or deny such ideas. if you'd like to improve as a listener, then you listen and don't reject out right, regardless of the method these are delivered to you. if you'd like to get your idea across better as a sayer, you craft your words to circumstances so it's easier to digest for the listener.
but, there's no obligation either way.