a quick search on google for "moral truth" (not to mention truth) can be a bit depressing, with entire websites devoted to the study for and against absolute moral truths. i am sure people have thought deeply about this subject and arguments either way are going to make a lot of sense.
i'm tempted to dismiss moral truth as a concoction of the authorities and religious entities for the purpose of social control, and that truth is too much in the eye of the beholder, thus absolute truth should hence be impossible. i find fault with even simple proclamations that "all beings should be happy and free" - the world is massive trolley problem and trade-offs are inevitable, and not acknowledging this fact of life might even exacerbate the problem.
(to me, fact of life is different from moral truth. moral truth is some underlying theory that is a bit more encompassing, and might be able to handle a great number of facts of life. is "pursuit of self-interest" a moral truth then? not quite either... well. while we're at it, is there a difference between morality and moral truth? imho, i consider morality something that arises from moral truth, in essence the manifestation of moral truth)
first of all, why the search for truth at all? it's possibly innately appealing as an absolute truth means it's immovable - hence, something can be relied on, and not subject to the fickleness of our day-to-day existence.
physical truths, aka laws of physics, for the most part, do provide us with a fairly large degree of confidence (not withstanding things that happen at a quantum level), we don't expect gravity to suddenly disappear one day.
moral truths, might offer a base to support us, intangible as it may be. taken to the next level, it might even serve as a guide, a compass as to how we should live our lives.
but then, plenty of people get along in life very well without ever having to ponder the truthfulness of truths, or if there are truths in the first place at all. i really don't know if this is an exercise in futility. but the problem is, once i start wondering, i can't help but to try to get to the bottom of it, at least to the best of my cognitive abilities.
so, what might a moral truth look like?