are there any great, selfless individuals who are atheists? maybe there are some in this other book? buddhists themselves don't really have a god, in the western sense of the word, as far as i can tell, and at its essence there is the law of karma and a larger force.
can people do good just to feel good? if so, why wouldn't more people be doing it?
before we even have the ability to serve people other than ourselves, of course we need to take care of ourselves.
once we've done that, maybe we crave respect, fame, fortune, and the feeling of superiority more than anything else. it does make us feel good, no question about that. it's the easy way to feel good. but it's also hard to replicate. each "hit" feels less than before, and it takes a lot more to get the additional hit.
so, getting out of the race seems to make sense if we can find an alternative source of well-being.
but then, doesn't one have to resort to greater and greater acts of altruism to continue feeling good?