Sunday, May 9, 2010

line of questioning

is what i'm doing making me a better person?

but stepping back, why do i want to be a better person?

who defines this "better" and who is the judge of that?

who says i will feel better if i pursue this strategy of being a "better" person?

if i'm doing "bad", but feeling is all in the mind as they say, i should be able to feel "better" regardless of whatever i'm doing?

aren't we all shaped by our respective cultures, upbringing, and socioeconomic status, so there can't be some "universal good"?

who says true feeling has to be good, rather than evil? is "good" an entirely social construct? or is compassion biologically rooted in mirror neurons?

can a society of psychopaths (i.e. people who are unable to feel shame, guilt, or remorse) function entirely on pure self-interest with no regard to others - can all this self-interest cancel each other out and drive progress? is altruism simply a darwinian and cultural by-product driven by non-zero games? (and hence necessarily exists?)