Tuesday, April 20, 2010

principles and consequences

when do i stand firm by my principles and deal with the consequences, and when do i tolerate differences and bend my principles?

(by the way, who says my principles are the absolute truth and unassailable?)

if i know i have to endure pain anyway, but how do i know if i'm supposed to stick to my principles and endure the resulting firestorm, or i'm supposed to be patient and endure the pain of silence and acquiescence?

where do you draw the line?

i'm tempted to say doing what feels most right would be fine, but that seems just not that helpful. if we knew how long we had to endure, it might be an easy decision, but since we don't, we're still stuck.

the only comfort we can draw is whatever stance we make, there will be both good and bad repercussions, not just bad. and if even we pick the worst possible path to walk, perhaps it will turn out to be the best one in teaching us about life.