1. there is no ultimate question, no final answer. deal with it.
2. life is about enjoying it, and the freedom to do whatever we feel like. stop trying to intellectualize the shit out of it.
3. don't you have better things to do? like actually constructive things, rather than fruitless imaginations in your head?
4. you don't need a meaningful life to be happy. my life can be absolutely meaningless, with no purpose whatsoever, and i feel pretty good about it. feeling good comes from doing things, achieving things, rather than thinking things.
5. even if what you are thinking is along the right lines, shouldn't you use this time to make more money (and gain more power, fame), so you can actually influence more people later in your life, to do whatever it is you would like to do to promote the meaning of life?
6. i am having enough trouble making mortgage payments, raising a kid, paying off my student debt. i don't have time to sleep. is the meaning of life going to solve any of my problems? impractical pondering metaphysical matters are for idle people, and i don't have that luxury.
7. life is pointless. billions of people have come and gone. billions and billions of other animals have come and gone. life as we know it is simply a manifestation of the laws of physics that exist for reasons we will never find out. enjoy life and forget your problems.