how do i best organize my day to use my time most effectively?
what is the most beneficial move i should take at this time?
what is the cheapest deal i can get on this?
what are the most inspiring books? the most enjoyable movies? funniest blogs?
how do i become the best at what i do?
competition and advancement seems to be pretty deeply ingrained, and seeking improvement seems to be a generally good thing. on one hand, in the business world, being the best at a particular thing garners a lot of benefits. on the other, there is only one "the best" in each category. not to mention there's only a brief moment, before getting usurped soon after. and if only "the best" makes me happy, chances are i will be a pretty unhappy person.
still, "good enough" sounds like settling, compromising.
perhaps, to strive for the best in certain things - for others things, live calmly with what i have, as the world is not going to end even when i don't get the best?
and the things to strive for are? do i strive for goals or processes, and more to-do's?