1. never argue. your point is irrelevant.
2. you are not worth shit. i know you have some deep hidden desire to be respected. but you are obviously delusional. you will be a terrible businessman. your parents are terrible. your values are fucked up. you suck at anything home related. you can't cook. you are worse than any helper. you were the absolute worst boyfriend and 99% of the time a very bad husband as well.
3. being happy and relaxed at home is an absolute requirement. you can do some light complaining but you must do it with humor. you are not allowed to display stress. you have to be like her dad or any of her friends who never stress. they just solve problems. there is no stress. do not talk about work. do not talk about work. do not talk about work. you have to be like her dad.
4. your past thoughts and deeds that offended her, whether you remember it or not, she will remember and will constantly remind you forever. forever.
5. her priorities and your priorities are completely different. you think you have a chance to succeed, to make a difference, to be somebody, and you have to work at it. she does not give a rat's ass about your aspirations. well, you can go about your aspirations if you never display stress. she would like you to be happy. if you are not happy, she will be sure to compare you to her dad or her friends or a thousand other people who are really happy and great entrepreneurs, great fathers and great husbands. she can be poor and happy. and thus, you should be able to be poor and happy as well. in fact, you should just be happy and relaxed always. it doesn't matter what the fuck your priorities or aspirations are. what matters is you are like her dad, her friends, and that you are happy and relaxed all the time. you are simply not allowed to stress. there is no alternative.