as frequently quoted by my ex-boss, simply put, for every action, there is a reaction. cause and effect. now, whether this extends to past lives and future reincarnations, that part is probably more faith than anything else, but over the course of our lives, it becomes fairly obvious that it has to be true. the effect is sometimes unforeseen, unexpected, but, it always has a cause. sometimes it's a fortuitous coincidence, other times it's murphy's law.
the only way to deal with this is to try to steer the odds in our favor, at least the miniscule part that we appear to have some control over, namely anything that relates to 1) how we interact with our environment and the people we come across; and 2) our willpower to do things that in spite of the environment that we are in, or, in spite of ourselves. all else really we don't even have any semblance of control.
and this also applies to whether people will realize it. if they wonder, of course we share. if they simply do not believe it exists, we listen and we watch, silently, and compassionately if we can.